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Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer in Queens

What could be more absurd than drunk driving? Despite the efforts that have been made in communication, a lot of energy, creativity, strategic resources, and time invested in designing ways to create awareness, there are still people who ignore the warnings regarding drunk driving. The reason is still not clear. 

Drunk driving is possibly just an attitude related to negative emotions, a degree of maladjustment, or a rejection of life. In the 21st century, cities still have drunk drivers.

These drivers don't think about the consequences and put innocent people at risk despite the abundance of information available. What should be done about this type of negligent attitude? 

Are drastic laws the only solution? Should schools include an educational policy that generates awareness in this regard? 

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At The Ward Law Group, over the years, we have seen hundreds of cases involving drunk driving. We wish there were far fewer. But, the worrying thing is that every year, more and more drivers, for some unclear reason, continue to engage in this type of unfortunate behavior. 

That is why the questions raised in the previous paragraph are not yet fully resolved. In countries with no tolerance for such attitudes, driving drunk can have deadly consequences. 

Is that the situation in the United States? Or are some states more permissive with this type of attitude? What kind of compensation can be obtained after initiating a personal injury lawsuit? 

These are some of the questions we have evaluated and developed in the following post. Learn about these situations. Contact us if you need help from our Queens drunk driving accident lawyers. Don't face this traumatic experience alone. 

Understanding Drunk Driving Accidents 

Drunk driving accidents endanger innocent people on the road, including pedestrians and drivers, and also jeopardize the lives of those involved. It can have disastrous repercussions when people's victims' rights drive while under the influence of alcohol. Queen's lawyers for drunk driving accidents protect victims' rights and seek compensation for the harm caused. 

To address this pressing issue, it is essential to comprehend the nature of drunk driving accidents. 

Definition and Consequences of Drunk Driving 

Drunk driving is when someone drives a car with too much alcohol in their system. It's also called DUI or DWI. 

In most states, including New York, the legal limit is a BAC of 0.08%. Drunk driving is a form of reckless behavior that significantly impairs a driver's ability to operate a vehicle safely. The consequences of drunk driving can be catastrophic, leading to serious injuries, fatalities, and extensive property damage. 

The Impact of Alcohol on Driving Abilities 

A driver's judgment, coordination, reaction time, and perception are all negatively impacted by drinking, which also impacts their cognitive and motor abilities. Alcohol can affect one's ability to drive noticeably, even in small amounts. 

A driver's ability to make wise decisions, spot hazards, and respond quickly to changing road conditions is impaired by alcohol. Due to their impairment, drunk drivers are more likely to swerve, go too fast, or break traffic rules, which increases the risk of accidents

Typical Events That Lead to Drunk Driving Accidents 

Drunk driving accidents can happen in a variety of situations, frequently involving people who decide to drive after drinking alcohol. These situations consist of: 

  • Leaving Bars or Parties: People who have consumed alcohol at bars, clubs, or private gatherings may decide to drive afterward, endangering both themselves and other drivers. 
  • Social Gatherings: Family reunions, holiday parties, and other occasions may involve drinking, which may prompt some guests to decide to drive while impaired. 
  • Late-Night Hours: Due to poor visibility and a higher likelihood of coming across drunk drivers, late-night and early-morning hours are when drunk driving accidents are most likely to happen. 
  • Ignition interlock violations: Trying to drive after drinking can lead to accidents in situations where drivers are required to use ignition interlock devices because of prior DUI convictions. 
  • Reckless Driving: Drunk drivers are more likely to speed, be aggressive, and ignore traffic signals, all of which increase the likelihood of collisions. 
  • Young and inexperienced drivers who drink alcohol may lack the maturity to understand the risks of operating a vehicle while intoxicated. 

The Role of DUI Accident Attorneys 

A DUI accident lawyer from our team specializing in this type of accident will be vital to finding the short- and long-term legal strategy. We usually take a comprehensive approach to each of the cases that come to our firm so that we can provide legal, emotional, and human support to overcome the incident holistically. 

We know that this legal process usually takes some time to integrate the negative events in your life. However, we have seen hundreds of cases in which, after receiving adequate compensation, the bad taste left by an accident of this type has been alleviated. No one should jeopardize their freedom and integrity. We also want to see a safer and fairer Queens community for all. 

Determining Liability in Drunk Driving Cases 

In drunk driving accidents, determining liability is a pivotal step in seeking compensation for victims. The primary liable party is often the intoxicated driver whose impaired condition led to the accident. However, other parties may also share liability, depending on the circumstances. For instance: 

  • Dram Shop Liability: According to New York's Dram Shop laws, businesses are responsible if they overserve alcohol to customers who later cause accidents because they were visibly intoxicated. If a bar, restaurant, or similar business helped the drunk driver become impaired, they can also be held legally responsible. 
  • Social Host Liability: In some cases, hosts of private events may be held responsible for the consequences of serving alcohol to a minor or someone who later causes a drunk driving accident. 
  • Employer Liability: If a commercial driver working at the time of the accident was intoxicated, their employer may be responsible as well, particularly if the driver's blood alcohol content (BAC) was above the legal limit. 

Criminal vs. Civil Charges in Drunk Driving Incidents 

Drunk driving accidents can lead to both criminal and civil charges. The criminal justice system aims to punish the offender for violating DUI laws, while civil cases focus on compensating victims for their injuries and losses. 

  • Criminal Charges: Driving while intoxicated is against the law in New York. If someone's BAC is too high, they can be charged with DWI or aggravated DWI (driving while intoxicated). Fines, license suspension, required alcohol education programs, and even imprisonment are possible outcomes of criminal charges. 
  • Civil cases: Victims of drunk driving accidents have the option of bringing civil lawsuits in addition to criminal charges. In civil cases, the goal is to hold the responsible parties accountable for compensating victims. This compensation includes covering medical expenses, lost income, and pain. Queens drunk driving accident attorneys are indispensable in resolving these civil cases. 

Statute of Limitations for Drunk Driving Accident Claims in New York 

For personal injury claims, including those resulting from drunk driving collisions, New York has a statute of limitations. Most of the time, victims have three years from the accident date to file a lawsuit seeking damages for their injuries. The statute of limitations for wrongful death claims, which may result from fatal drunk driving accidents, is typically two years. 

Working with Law Enforcement in Drunk Driving Cases 

Handling drunk driving cases in Queens and New York requires effective communication with law enforcement. Collaboration between victims, attorneys, and law enforcement personnel can greatly impact how these cases turn out. 

Collaborating with Police in Drunk Driving Cases 

Collaborating with the police during this process involves: 

  • Giving Information: Victims should give law enforcement officials precise information about the accident. 
  • Cooperating with Testing: To determine the driver's level of impairment, law enforcement may perform field sobriety tests, breathalyzer tests, or blood tests. 
  • Collecting Witnesses: If there were any witnesses to the accident, victims should inform the police and give them their contact information. 

The Role of DUI/DWI Tests and Their Admissibility in Court 

DUI/DWI tests, including field sobriety tests and chemical tests, play a vital role in determining a driver's level of impairment due to alcohol or drugs. These tests provide objective evidence that can be used in court to support claims of intoxication. However, the admissibility of these tests in court proceedings depends on various factors, including: 

  • Courts typically consider tests that have been validated scientifically and shown to be accurate and reliable. The testing apparatus must be administered and calibrated properly for the results to be accurate. 
  • Legal Protocol: Law enforcement officers must adhere to certain legal protocols when conducting tests. If these procedures are not followed, the admissibility of test results in court may be contested. 

Importance of an Official Police Report 

After a drunk driving accident, getting an official police report is essential to developing a compelling defense. The police report has crucial crash details. It includes the officer's observations, witness statements, scene descriptions, and fault determination. This report is invaluable for victims and their legal counsel when seeking compensation and pursuing legal action. 

Injury and Medical Implications in Drunk Driving Accidents 

Over the years, we have seen many cases of injuries and medical conditions resulting from drunk driving accidents. We can provide a list of the most common ones. Some of these are: 

  • High-speed collisions or powerful impacts can result in traumatic brain injuries (TBI), which can cause cognitive decline, memory loss, and even permanent disabilities. 
  • Spinal cord injuries can cause paralysis, loss of sensation, and diminished motor function, drastically affecting the quality of life for the victim. 
  • Broken Bones/Fractures: The impact force can cause fractures and broken bones, necessitating surgery, casts, and prolonged recuperation. 
  • Internal Organ Damage: Blunt force trauma can cause damage to internal organs, leading to internal bleeding, organ failure, and the need for surgical interventions. 
  • Soft Tissue Injuries: Whiplash, sprains, strains, and contusions can cause significant pain and discomfort, affecting daily activities. 

The Importance of Immediate Medical Attention 

After a drunk driving accident, seeking immediate medical attention is vital, even if injuries appear minor. Adrenaline and shock can mask symptoms; some injuries may take time to manifest fully. Prompt medical evaluation can: 

  • Assure Timely Treatment: A speedy recovery and prevention of complications depend on early diagnosis and treatment. 
  • Injury documentation: Medical records created soon after the accident link the injuries to the accident, supporting the legal contention. 
  • Avoid Delayed Health Issues: Some injuries, like internal bleeding or brain trauma, may not show symptoms right away, but if untreated, they can result in life-threatening complications. 
  • Establish Causation: Medical records show that the injuries were a direct result of the drunk driving incident and help establish a direct link between the accident and the injuries suffered. 
  • Quantify Damages: Thorough medical records provide information about the degree of physical harm, necessary treatments, and ongoing medical requirements, all of which are considered in the compensation calculation. 
  • Support Non-Economic Damages: Medical records can substantiate claims of physical suffering, emotional anguish, and reduced quality of life, assisting victims in pursuing just compensation. 

Contact a Queens Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer

A drunk driving accident such as the one we have discussed in the text can involve many aspects: emotional, social, and even cultural. Find the important parts of this event to stay safe in Queens. 

It is everyone's job. The Ward Law Group believes in a safer community by transmitting values like service to others. To serve our community and, above all, to serve God.

It would be best if you did not find yourself alone while going through a complicated situation such as a fatality of this type. Trust in our experience to accompany you through the storm.  

At the end of the road, you will find the peace and reward of doing your drunk driving accident case the greatest possible justice. Call us at 855-DOLOR-55 to request a free consultation.