Little Havana Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer

Our human existence is a delicate and beautiful journey, but it also underscores our vulnerability. Safeguarding our humanity requires prioritizing safety, especially for our most critical organ – the brain.   

Responsible for fundamental functions like movement, senses, and thoughts, even a minor brain injury can profoundly impact our lives, altering how we perceive the world and communicate. In a vibrant community like Little Havana, where life is lived with energy and passion, we must be aware of the resources available to us in such challenging situations.  

Navigating the aftermath of a brain injury, whether personally or as a caregiver, is a daunting challenge. Those facing the consequences of brain injuries deserve medical assistance and financial security to lead dignified lives. From substantial medical bills and ongoing treatment to the inability to work, these severe injuries demand compensation. A skilled brain injury lawyer brings experience and knowledge to ease these trying times.  

The consequences of a brain injury vary based on severity, location, and available rehabilitation. They can range from coma and vegetative states to brain death. Recognizing potential outcomes underscores the urgency of immediate medical attention and seeking legal counsel for compensation.  

Suppose you or a loved one has encountered a traumatic brain injury. In that case, our dedicated team at The Ward Law Group is here to assist. Contact us at 855-DOLOR-55 for guidance and support on your path to justice and recovery in Little Havana. With our compassionate attorneys, you can trust that your interests will be protected throughout this challenging journey.  

Understanding a Brain Injury  

A traumatic brain injury (TBI) occurs when an external force impacts the head, harming the brain. This can happen from a blow, bump, or jolt to the head when an object penetrates the skull or the brain is forcefully shaken. Not all head impacts lead to TBI, but it is always a risk. One of the most common causes of traumatic brain injury is car crashes due to the intricate movements at high speeds caused by a traffic accident.   

TBIs (Traumatic Brain Injury) can vary in severity, with some causing temporary difficulties in brain function, such as problems with thinking, movement, communication, or behavior in general. More severe injuries can result in long-lasting disabilities or even death.   

There are two main types of head injuries, penetrating or non-penetrating, depending on whether the injury was caused by direct damage to the brain tissue. Recognizing that secondary brain injuries can occur after the initial trauma, either gradually over time or appearing days later, is essential.   

Seeking medical attention immediately is the most important thing after a traumatic brain injury. Suppose an act of negligence caused the injury sustained. In that case, you can trust a TBI lawyer to guide you through claiming compensation and getting the resources needed when dealing with these terrible injuries.  

Most Common Causes of TBI   

Car collisions are one of the common causes of traumatic brain injuries, but it is not by far the only cause; multiple situations in life can lead to receiving a severe impact that leads to this type of harm to the brain. We will mention a few of the most common causes of brain injuries.  

  • Falls: A fall, either from great altitude or just caused by a slip, is one of the main reasons for brain injuries; falls from bed, ladders, stairs, or in the bath can easily cause a TBI, particularly among older adults and young children who tend to have more fragile skulls.   
  • Vehicle-related collision: Accidents involving cars, motorcycles, bicycles, and pedestrians frequently cause TBI. The impact of a car crash can have severe repercussions for the driver and the passengers; victims may suffer head blunts caused by the force of the collision. Calling a traumatic brain injury lawyer is advised in case of being hurt in a car accident.   
  • Violence: Sadly, some of the common causes of TBI are violence-related. Gunshot wounds, fights, domestic violence, and other assaults can lead to TBIs. Violent shaking of infants can also cause traumatic brain injury.   
  • Sports injuries: Various sports like soccer, skateboarding, hockey, boxing, football, baseball, lacrosse, and high-impact or extreme sports can result in traumatic brain injuries. Young people are more prone to being involved in this type of accident.   
  • Explosive blasts and combat injuries: Active-duty military personnel can risk TBI due to explosive blasts, penetrating wounds, severe blows to the head with shrapnel or debris, and collisions with objects following a shot can also cause a TBI.  

TBI Statistics in Florida   

According to the National Institute of Health, the leading causes of TBI in the U.S. are as follows:   

Falls are responsible for approximately 40.5% of TBIs. This is particularly relevant for children; falling from stairs and bicycles accounts for about half of brain injuries in this age group.   

Car accidents contribute to about 14.3% of TBIs. They are also the primary cause of TBI-related deaths in children under age 5.   

Includes incidents like being hit in the head with an object such as a baseball or soccer ball, which accounts for approximately 15.5% of TBIs. Intentional acts of violence, such as assaults, contribute to around 10.7% of TBIs, and about 19% have an unknown cause.   

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 2.5 million people in the United States sustain a yearly TBI. While brain injuries can affect individuals of any age, they are most common in men between 15 and 24. Children under five and older adults over 75 also have a higher incidence of brain injury.  

Symptoms and Long-Term Effects of TBI  

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) can lead to various physical, cognitive, communication, behavioral, emotional, and sensory symptoms. The severity and duration of these symptoms may differ. Below is an overview of the significant symptoms linked to TBI:  

  • Seizures: Seizures can develop in some individuals after a TBI, whether shortly after the injury or even years later. If you or someone you know experiences a seizure, seek immediate medical attention.  
  • Hydrocephalus: Fluid accumulation in the brain can result in heightened pressure and swelling. This symptom might lead to increased skull size and localized head pain.  
  • Headaches: Frequent headaches are common after TBI and can persist for weeks or months. Consult a medical professional if you're experiencing persistent headaches unaffected by usual remedies.  
  • Vertigo: Many individuals can experience dizziness, spinning, or imbalance following a TBI. This sensation indicates the need to seek medical care.  
  • Cranial Nerve Damage: Damage to cranial nerves can lead to facial muscle paralysis, altered facial sensations, loss of smell or taste, vision impairments, difficulty swallowing, dizziness, ringing in the ears, and hearing loss.  
  • Cognitive Challenges: TBI can bring about difficulties in memory, learning, reasoning, judgment, attention, concentration, problem-solving, multitasking, organization, planning, decision-making, and initiating or completing tasks.  
  • Communication Issues: Challenges in understanding speech or writing and difficulties in speaking or writing, organizing thoughts, participating in conversations, and interpreting nonverbal signals can arise.  
  • Behavioral Changes: Changes in behavior might encompass problems with self-control, reduced awareness of one's abilities, engagement in risky behaviors, social difficulties, verbal or physical outbursts, and shifts in emotional responses.  
  • Emotional Shifts: TBI can lead to emotional changes, including depression, anxiety, mood swings, irritability, diminished empathy, anger, and insomnia.  
  • Sensory Disruptions: Sensory problems related to TBI can involve persistent ringing in the ears (tinnitus), challenges in recognizing objects, altered taste or smell, tingling, pain, or itching in the skin, and problems with balance or dizziness.  

The long-term consequences of traumatic brain injury (TBI) can vary based on injury severity, location, and available rehabilitation. Individuals may experience:  

  • Complete unconsciousness and unresponsiveness (coma), which may transition over time,  
  • A state of limited awareness, reflexes, or eye movements (vegetative state),  
  • Severe alterations in consciousness with partial self-awareness (minimally conscious state), and  
  • Irreversible brain death, where no brain activity is detectable, leads to cessation of breathing and eventual heart failure.  

Understanding brain injury cases involves knowing about negligence, liable parties, and time limits. Brain injury lawyers are crucial in helping those hurt due to someone else's carelessness. Explore these essential aspects to see how a legal expert supports brain injury cases.  

Proving Negligence in Brain Injury Cases  

Proving negligence in brain injury cases is a critical aspect of seeking compensation. Brain injury lawyers gather and analyze evidence to demonstrate that another party's negligence led to the injury.   

This action involves establishing that the responsible party had a duty of care, breached that commitment through their actions or negligence, and that this breach directly caused the brain injury. Solid legal representation can help build a strong case highlighting the failure involved.  

Determining Liability and Responsible Parties  

Identifying the liable parties in brain injury cases can be complex. Brain injury lawyers investigate the circumstances thoroughly to pinpoint all potentially responsible parties. Depending on the situation, these could include individuals, corporations, or even government entities.   

Through diligent investigation and legal expertise, brain injury lawyers hold the appropriate parties accountable for their actions or negligence resulting in brain injury.  

Statute of Limitations for Brain Injury Claims in Florida  

Understanding the statute of limitations is crucial in brain injury cases. The law of rules sets a time limit within which a brain injury claim must be filed. In Florida, this timeframe varies based on the circumstances of the case.   

Brain injury lawyers are well-versed in these timelines. They can guide individuals through the legal process while ensuring their claim is filed within the applicable statute of limitations.   

Compensation and Damages for TBI 

Compensation for a TBI might include covering current and future medical costs, compensation for lost income, and other damages as defined by the law. In case of a fatal outcome, families can pursue other related claims.  

Collecting information is crucial after a brain injury accident. Pictures of the accident scene, including property damage and injuries, are recommended. These photos can serve as valuable evidence later.  

Alongside visual proof, gathering the driver's contact details is essential. This includes their name, phone number, address, and insurance information. Keep medical records, bills, and insurance claims related to your TBI accident. These documents can be crucial for your brain injury lawyer to support your case.  

By gathering such information as photos and contact details, you can provide critical evidence to your TBI lawyer. This information will help them build a solid case to seek the compensation you deserve for your losses.  

Contact a TBI Attorney in Little Havana

Getting help from an experienced brain injury lawyer is highly advised. A knowledgeable brain injury lawyer in Little Havana can guide you through the process, handling legal complexities and helping you navigate the challenges linked with TBI cases.  

Connecting with a specialized brain injury lawyer is crucial. They have the expertise to gather evidence, determine responsibility, negotiate with insurers, and fight for just compensation for your injuries.  

If you need assistance from a reputable brain injury lawyer in Little Havana, The Ward Law Group is here. Our attorneys specialize in traumatic brain injury cases, prioritizing justice and offering support during tough times. With one of our TBI lawyers on your side, you can find comfort in knowing an advocate is safeguarding your interests.  

We manage all legal aspects, allowing our clients to recover with peace of mind, knowing they're treated with care. Our goal is to be our clients' voice, representing them before the law and upholding their rights. For compassionate legal advice, contact us at 855-DOLOR-55.