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Uninsured Motorist Accident Lawyer in Kissimmee

An experienced car accident attorney can assist you after a collision with an uninsured driver. At The Ward Law Group, we can provide guidance and support in dealing with the damage resulting from the accident. We can navigate complex procedures and ensure they adequately address all issues regarding the accident's aftermath.  

Unfortunately, not all the people we share the road with are responsible drivers. Some drivers don't have insurance to cover the damage caused in a car accident, neglecting their responsibilities.

Florida's law makes it illegal to drive without insurance. All drivers must have car insurance to legally operate their vehicles. Failure to comply with this requirement can lead to civil damages and legal consequences, such as license suspension or revocation.

The uninsured driver rate in Florida indicates the number of vehicles without minimum coverage for personal injury and property damage. This rate shows how many drivers on the road may need more insurance if an accident occurs.  

As of June 2023, Florida's statewide uninsured motorist rate stood at 6.14%. Of the state's 16 million vehicle registrations, around 984,000 vehicles don't have the required insurance coverage.  

What is UM (Uninsured Motorist) Coverage?  

Uninsured Motorist Coverage (UM) is insurance that helps victims of accidents with drivers who don't have car insurance. They may need to meet the state's minimum liability requirements or have an insurance company that refuses to pay the claim.  

If you get into a car accident with an uninsured driver, it can be difficult to receive compensation for damages. This is especially true if you do not have uninsured motorist coverage. Understanding how uninsured motorist (UM) coverage works is essential. UM coverage protects in an accident with an uninsured driver or a hit-and-run incident.

Understanding Uninsured Motorist Coverage  

You can add uninsured motorist coverage as an additional charge to a standard auto policy. The insurance company must inform you annually about your coverage options. You can request this information even if you previously declined it.

The coverage protects you and your family. It covers damages that exceed other benefits you may receive from workers' compensation, disability benefits, or additional insurance.  

Ask for UM Insurance  

In Florida, there are two types of UM insurance available. These are uninsured motorist bodily injury (UM or UMBI) and underinsured motorist bodily injury (UIM or UIMBI) coverage. UM coverage helps if you're in an accident caused by an uninsured driver, paying for damages from your injuries.  

It is essential to know that your insurance carrier must offer uninsured motorist (UM) coverage. If a client should decide to reject it, he must do so in writing. Insurance brokers may need to inform you about the importance of UM coverage, which increases the risk for the insurance company.  

You can't control other drivers, but you can prevent having this insurance coverage. By including UM coverage in your policy, you can protect yourself from the potential financial consequences of an uninsured motorist accident.  

What to do after an accident with an uninsured motorist in Florida  

You need to follow essential rules after any car accident: 

Seek Medical Attention  

After a car crash, immediately seek medical attention, as your well-being should be the top priority. It is crucial to consult a professional even if the injuries appear minor initially. This ensures that the accident did not result in any hidden or delayed symptoms.   

Notify Authorities  

Notify the authorities about the accident. It is imperative to report all traffic accidents, especially those that result in injuries to people. Please provide detailed information on the circumstances of the accident so they can conduct proper investigations.  

Preserve evidence  

If you are the victim of a car accident, it is advisable to gather essential information. Take pictures of the accident, your injuries, and any damage. Get the other driver's contact information and talk to witnesses. 

Keep important documents like medical records, bills, and insurance claims. Your lawyer may need them to help with your case. 

Consult with a professional  

It is best to consult legal professionals who specialize in handling cases involving underinsured motorist accidents. They have the expertise to handle your case effectively, gather crucial evidence, and protect your rights. Uninsured accident lawyers have extensive experience advocating for victims of car accidents. They can guide you through the legal process.  

Can I File a Claim Against an Uninsured Driver in Kissimmee?  

You can seek monetary compensation if an uninsured driver hits you in Kissimmee. To do so, you can file a personal injury lawsuit against the uninsured driver. Sometimes, your PIP (Personal Injury Protection) and UM coverage don't cover all your medical expenses and losses from the accident.  

After an accident with an uninsured driver, it can be complicated to file a claim. Hiring an uninsured motorist accident lawyer is a clever idea. They can help you understand the legal process and increase your chances of getting fair compensation.  

What do I need to prove to ask for compensation?  

After a car accident, to ask for compensation, you must follow specific legal rules. To request a fair settlement for the damage, you must adhere to specific legal rules: 

Duty of care 

The responsible party was legally obliged to exercise a duty of care towards the injured person. The specific task of care can vary depending on the circumstances. For example, drivers have a responsibility to operate their vehicles safely. 

Breach of duty 

We must demonstrate that the party responsible breached their duty of care. This involves showing that the responsible party's actions or omissions fell below the expected standard of care. 


The breach of duty by the responsible party must have directly caused the injuries sustained by the victim.  


The plaintiff must establish that they have suffered significant damage. This can include financial harm, such as medical bills and loss of money, and emotional harm, such as feeling upset. 

What compensation can you claim?  

If you have an accident with an uninsured driver, you can claim diverse compensation for the damage.  

Medical Expenses  

An uninsured motorist accident can result in severe injuries requiring medical treatment, days in the hospital, surgeries, medication, and ongoing rehabilitation. Victims of such accidents can seek compensation for their medical expenses.  

Lost Wages  

If an accident injures someone and they cannot work, they may receive compensation for their lost wages. This compensation is intended to compensate them for the income they cannot earn due to their injury. 

An uninsured accident lawyer can determine the compensation for lost income due to injuries. They assist in calculating the amount of money someone should receive. Their expertise can choose the appropriate payment owed to ensure fair reimbursement for lost wages. 

Wrongful Death  

Car accidents can result in the death of a loved one. Families can seek compensation for funeral costs and economic loss.  

To deal with a claim involving an uninsured driver, it's advisable to seek assistance from a skilled uninsured motorist accident lawyer. Experts collect evidence, communicate with insurance companies, and advocate for fair compensation for their clients. 

Statutes of Limitations for Uninsured Motorist Accidents  

In Florida, there is a time limit for filing claims in uninsured motorist accidents. The statutes of limitations set specific deadlines for taking legal action. 

For uninsured motorist accidents, you usually have four years from the accident date to make a compensation claim. However, the case's specific circumstances can impact these time limits.   

To protect your rights and meet deadlines, consult an experienced uninsured motorist accident attorney. They can provide the necessary guidance and initiate legal proceedings within the applicable statutes of limitations. To make sure you submit your claim on time, it's essential to act quickly and get advice from a professional.  

What Insurance Does Florida Require?  

To register a vehicle in Florida, you must have car insurance. This insurance must cover personal injury and property damage. The vehicle must have four or more wheels. PIP covers 80 percent of necessary and reasonable medical expenses, up to $10,000, resulting from a covered injury, regardless of fault.  

On the other hand, PDL (Property Damage Liability) coverage pays for damages to the victim's property caused by a car crash. A license insurance must issue proof of PIP or PDL coverage to register a motor vehicle.  

Drivers need insurance with $10,000 for each person's injury, $10,000 for property damage, and $20,000 for liability in each accident. Still, many uninsured motorist accidents happen every day.  

In most cases, the minimum coverage is insufficient to pay for all the damage a car crash could cause. You should hire an uninsured motorist accident lawyer if you have been in a car accident with an uninsured driver. This will prevent you from experiencing additional pain and suffering during tough times.  

Contact a Kissimmee Uninsured Motorist Accident Lawyer

At The Ward Law Group, we have the expertise and experience necessary to navigate the legal complexities associated with such cases. They assist with evidence, liability, insurance negotiations, and fighting for fair compensation for injuries and damages.  

Having an uninsured motorist accident lawyer gives you peace of mind. They protect your interests and ensure that they hold the party responsible accountable. If you need an excellent uninsured accident lawyer in Kissimmee, contact The Ward Law Group at 855-DOLOR-55. Our team of professional attorneys specializes in handling uninsured motorist cases, and we prioritize justice and client satisfaction.