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Head-On Accident Lawyer in Kissimmee

Navigating the bustling streets of Kissimmee, Florida, presents inherent risks. Drivers sometimes make reckless choices that result in head-on collisions. Suppose you or a loved one has suffered injuries in such a car accident in Florida. In that case, our team of Kissimmee car accident lawyers stands ready to pursue damages from the responsible party.

We are also here to represent you if your loved one has tragically lost their life due to such an incident.

The Ward Law Group has been a steadfast advocate for the Central Florida community for over four decades, assisting individuals in recovering compensation for injuries and losses. We are committed to extending the same dedication to you.

Contact us today to explore your legal options and discover how our Kissimmee head-on collision accident lawyer can advocate for you.

Recoverable Damages in a Kissimmee Head-On Collision

Head-on collisions often result in severe injuries, leading to exorbitant medical expenses, lost income, and other losses that can profoundly impact victims' lives.

At The Ward Law Group, our personal injury lawyers in our Kissimmee office meticulously assess all financial and non-financial damages and assign a monetary value to your case. This valuation serves as the basis for demanding compensation on your behalf.

The damages recoverable vary depending on the specifics of each case. We consider the extent of your injuries and your anticipated recovery period as we determine the compensation you may seek. Common damages sought in these cases include:

  • Medical expenses (e.g., emergency care, hospitalizations, diagnostic tests, surgical procedures, medications)
  • Rehabilitation costs (e.g., physical therapy)
  • Therapy and counseling expenses
  • Lost income and wages
  • Diminished earning capacity
  • Property damage
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Loss of consortium
  • Scarring and disfigurement
  • Impaired quality of life
  • Loss of enjoyment of life

Wrongful Death Damages After a Kissimmee Collision

If your loved one has tragically lost their life in a head-on collision, you can find solace and support within our compassionate legal team. We handle every aspect of your case, allowing you to focus on grieving and planning for the future.

Through a wrongful death lawsuit, eligible beneficiaries may seek compensation for:

  • Medical expenses incurred before death
  • Funeral expenses and burial or cremation costs
  • Loss of the deceased's income or future earnings
  • Loss of support and services provided by the deceased
  • Mental and emotional anguish experienced by surviving family members
  • Other relevant losses

Our wrongful death attorney serving Kissimmee diligently documents the losses eligible for compensation and guides the legal processes involved.

Contact The Ward Law Group today for a confidential consultation about your case. One of our Head On Collision lawyers will contact you!

How The Ward Law Group Can Guide Your Case After a Kissimmee Crash?

Let us handle every aspect of your personal injury case while you focus on your recovery. At The Ward Law Group, we tailor a legal strategy to the specifics of your situation, keeping you informed throughout the process and advocating for your best interests against insurance companies, regardless of their size.

We firmly believe that you deserve every opportunity to rebuild your life following a traumatic accident.

When you entrust us with your representation, our Kissimmee head-on collision accident lawyer will:

  • Thoroughly investigate the circumstances of the crash, gathering information from you and other sources to ascertain the events leading up to the incident.
  • Handle your case on a contingency basis, meaning you won't owe any upfront fees or costs.
  • Conduct a comprehensive investigation into the crash, collecting physical and visual evidence such as medical records, police reports, witness statements, and video footage from various sources, such as cell phones, traffic cameras, or dash cameras.
  • Identify all parties responsible for your losses and establish their negligence.
  • Compile a detailed list of your losses and determine the appropriate compensation to pursue on your behalf.
  • Negotiate with insurance companies to secure a settlement that adequately covers your damages.
  • If negotiations fail to yield a satisfactory outcome, you can litigate your case in court to ensure you receive the financial recovery you deserve.

We are committed to doing everything within our power to secure the rightful compensation you deserve and to hold those accountable who have caused you or your loved one harm. It would be best if you didn't bear the financial burden of someone else's negligence.

While head-on collisions may not occur as frequently as other types of accidents, they can result in severe injuries and significant financial losses. If you or a loved one seeks legal recourse for injuries sustained in a head-on collision, please contact us for assistance.

 Contact a Head-On Collision Attorney from The Ward Law Group!

Florida Law Establishes Time Limits for Filing Motor Vehicle Crash Lawsuits

Individuals seeking to pursue legal action in civil court following a head-on collision in Kissimmee typically have a two-year window from the date of the accident or their loved one's date of death to initiate a lawsuit, as outlined in Florida Statutes § 95.11.

 It's crucial to act promptly and contact us as soon as possible to begin the process. Failure to meet this deadline could result in the forfeiture of your right to seek financial compensation from those responsible for the collision.

A Kissimmee auto accident attorney from our firm will ensure that your case stays on course and is filed within the required timeframe, safeguarding your legal rights and maximizing your chances of obtaining the compensation you deserve.

Discuss Your Kissimmee Head-On Collision Today

Head-on collisions are alarming and pose significant dangers, and those responsible for causing them must be held liable. Whether a negligent driver was fatigued, intoxicated, or distracted while traveling in the wrong direction on the road, they must be held accountable for the injuries they inflicted.

At The Ward Law Group, we are prepared to advocate for you while you focus on your recovery.

Contacting us to discuss your case is risk-free. Our Kissimmee head-on collision accident lawyer can represent you without any upfront fees or costs, allowing us to begin working on your behalf immediately.

Contact us today for a complimentary, confidential consultation to learn more about your legal options.

Understanding the Deadly Nature of Head-On Collisions

Head-on collisions, though relatively infrequent compared to other accidents, often result in devastating consequences. Despite comprising only 2% of all driving accidents, they account for over 10% of all collision-related fatalities.

The severity of head-on collisions is exacerbated by the vulnerability of drivers and passengers, particularly when facing a larger vehicle, leading to entrapment or compression under the impact force. Additionally, the impact force in head-on collisions is essentially doubled compared to other collision types, significantly increasing the likelihood of severe injury and damage.

Addressing Negligence in Head-On Collisions

In many cases, head-on collisions stem from negligent actions. Factors such as distracted driving, fatigue, falling asleep at the wheel, or driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs frequently contribute to these tragic events. Inclement weather may also play a role, but exercising due care and adapting driving behavior accordingly can often prevent such collisions.

Safety Measures to Avoid Head Collision Consequences

Head-on collisions are among the most fatal types of motor vehicle accidents, accounting for nearly 30% of the total roadway deaths resulting from crashes with other vehicles in 2019, according to the National Safety Council (NSC).

However, there are proactive steps drivers can take to prevent these catastrophic accidents. The NSC has developed a lifesaving method known as the four R's:

1. Read the Road Ahead: Stay vigilant and scan ahead to anticipate potential hazards such as hills, curves, or intersections. By recognizing these dangers early, you can react promptly if an oncoming vehicle veers into your lane.

Additionally, the space between the left front tire of approaching vehicles and the center line must be monitored. A diminishing space indicates a risk of intrusion into your lane.

2. Drive to the Right: Position your vehicle slightly to the right of the center of your lane to create an additional buffer zone between you and other vehicles.

On multi-lane roads, leave an open lane to your left. In the event of a head-on collision threat, steer your vehicle onto the shoulder to the right. Avoid swerving into the left lane, as this could result in a collision if the other driver corrects their course.

3. Reduce Your Speed: When you identify a hazard ahead, promptly reduce your speed to allow for increased reaction time.

 Slowing down not only gives you more time to respond but also provides the oncoming driver with an opportunity to correct their path.

Avoid sudden braking or swerving, as these actions can escalate the danger. Never come to a complete stop, as this could expose you to a rear-end collision.

4. Ride Off the Road: If you must choose between a head-on collision and veering onto the shoulder, opt for the latter.

Your chances of survival are significantly higher on the shoulder. If impact is unavoidable, aim to strike obstacles with a glancing blow rather than head-on. Steering slightly off-center reduces the collision's force, enhancing your survival prospects.

By following these safety measures and remaining alert behind the wheel, drivers can play a crucial role in preventing head-on collisions and mitigating their potentially devastating consequences.

Contact a Kissimmee Head-On Collision Lawyer

Suppose you or a loved one has suffered injuries in a car accident in Central Florida, particularly in a head-on collision caused by another party's negligence. In that case, the seasoned Kissimmee personal injury lawyers at The Ward Law Group are here to assist.

Contact us today for a free consultation to explore your options for seeking justice and rightful compensation in your case. Call now at 855-DOLOR-55 for help!