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Miami Commercial Vehicle Accident Lawyer

The world of automobile accidents knows no difference between private accidents and accidents aboard a commercial vehicle. From a legal perspective, each situation will have its characteristics.

That is why it is essential to consider the details of each case and understand the best alternatives to obtain good results in favor of justice.

Commercial Vehicle Accidents in Miami

Commercial vehicle accidents in Miami can result in serious injuries or even fatalities due to the sheer size and weight of these vehicles. Unlike typical car accidents, commercial vehicle cases require specialized handling and expertise.

Having the right legal team on your side is crucial to ensure a thorough investigation and effective representation. If you or a loved one has been injured in a commercial vehicle accident, we encourage you to contact The Ward Law Group for assistance.

Why Choose The Ward Law Group?

Our team of experienced Miami commercial vehicle accident lawyers understands the complexities of these cases and is dedicated to helping you rebuild your life.

We provide personalized attention and aggressive advocacy to pursue the compensation you deserve for your injuries and losses. You can rely on us to fight for your rights and hold negligent parties accountable.

Commercial Vehicle Accident Investigation

Prompt investigation is crucial in commercial vehicle accident cases to preserve evidence before it's lost or destroyed.

Our approach includes sending preservation letters to relevant parties demanding the retention of critical evidence. These letters protect your rights and ensure that key information is preserved for your case.

Key Evidence in Commercial Vehicle Accident Cases

In commercial vehicle accident investigations, substantial evidence may include:

  • Tachograph and trip recorders
  • Electronic tracking or monitoring devices
  • Correspondence related to the accident
  • Complaints or reports about the driver involved
  • Driver's annual review and drug testing records
  • Maintenance and repair records for the vehicle
  • Logbooks and computer data from the vehicle's systems

Uncovering the Truth

Our Miami truck accident lawyers meticulously examine all collected evidence, often focusing on what may be missing or overlooked.

Sometimes, the absence of certain records or data can reveal crucial information that strengthens your case. We are committed to uncovering the truth and exposing any attempts to conceal or manipulate evidence.

Seeking Justice

Accountability is essential in commercial vehicle accident cases at The Ward Law Group. We are prepared to challenge any efforts to cover up or distort evidence and will tirelessly pursue justice on your behalf.

If you've been injured in a commercial vehicle accident, don't hesitate to contact us for a free consultation.

Your rights matter, and we are here to fight for them.

Special Laws in Commercial Vehicle Accident Cases

Commercial vehicle accidents are subject to specific regulations and laws to ensure the safety of motorists and pedestrians.

Despite these regulations, thousands of Americans lose their lives in accidents involving commercial vehicles each year, including tractor-trailers, 18-wheelers, and other large trucks used for transportation.

One standard safety measure often violated is the regulation limiting the hours a truck driver can spend behind the wheel each day. Current regulations allow up to 11 hours of driving per day, but truck driver fatigue remains a significant factor in many accidents.

Studies have shown that fatigue increases the risk of accidents, with driver fatigue accounting for 30 to 40% of truck crashes.

Efforts to reduce daily driving hours have faced opposition from powerful commercial interests despite the potential benefits for truck drivers and the general public.

Other factors contributing to commercial vehicle accidents include driver intoxication, error, equipment failure, unsafe operation, unstable loads, and defective equipment.

Violations of safety laws intended to prevent such factors can result in serious accidents, injuries, and fatalities.

Alarmingly, 70% of those killed in truck accidents are occupants of other vehicles, highlighting the severe consequences of these collisions, which often result in serious injuries such as brain damage, burns, amputations, and paralysis.

The Reality of Commercial Vehicle Accidents in Miami

The statistics surrounding commercial vehicle accidents are alarming. According to the National Safety Council, thousands of people are killed or injured in accidents involving large trucks each year. In 2019 alone, over 5,000 individuals lost their lives, and an additional 118,000 were injured in such accidents nationwide.

In Miami-Dade County, Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles reported over 8,000 commercial vehicle accidents in 2019, resulting in 1,428 injuries and 27 fatalities.

Types of Commercial Vehicle Accident Cases We Handle

At The Ward Law Group, we have the expertise to handle a wide range of commercial vehicle accident cases in Miami, including those involving:

You may have a valid compensation claim if you've been injured due to someone else's negligence. Our experienced attorneys are here to provide you with a free case review and discuss your legal options.

Determining the Value of Your Case

The value of your commercial vehicle accident case depends on various factors, including the severity and permanence of your injuries, medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Our legal team will carefully analyze your unique circumstances to determine the full extent of your damages and pursue maximum compensation on your behalf.

Types of Damages Available to Victims

Victims of commercial vehicle accidents are entitled to recover economic and non-economic damages. Economic damages cover financial expenses such as medical bills, lost wages, rehabilitation costs, and property damage.

 Non-economic damages compensate for physical and emotional injuries, including pain and suffering, mental anguish, diminished quality of life, and more.

Proving Negligence in Your Case

Proving negligence after a commercial vehicle accident requires a thorough investigation and collection of evidence.

Our attorneys will gather crucial evidence, including surveillance footage, driver logs, inspection records, and eyewitness testimony, to establish liability and hold the responsible parties accountable for their actions.

Time Limit for Filing a Lawsuit

Florida's statute of limitations for filing a personal injury lawsuit after a commercial vehicle accident is generally two years from the accident date. However, there are exceptions, and acting promptly is crucial to preserve your legal rights.

Our legal team can provide the guidance and support you need to navigate the legal process within the specified timeframe.

Contact a Miami Commercial Vehicle Accident Lawyer Today

If you've been injured in a commercial vehicle accident in Miami, don't wait to seek legal help. Contact The Ward Law Group today for a free consultation with one of our experienced attorneys. We're here to fight for your rights and help you obtain your deserved compensation.

At The Ward Law Group, we take pride in providing access to top-notch legal counsel within the Hispanic-American community in South Florida and New York.

We are committed to bridging the gap in quality legal access by offering legal services entirely in Spanish and fully understanding our community's needs and concerns.

Our bilingual team of attorneys is dedicated to delivering exceptional legal representation. We ensure that our Spanish-speaking clients receive the attention and support they deserve at every stage of their cases.

Call us today for a free consultation at 855-DOLOR-55!