T-Bone Accident Lawyer in The Bronx 

Also called broadside crashes or side-impact collisions, T-bone accidents are known to be deadly. They usually happen at intersections where lack of visibility and the respect of traffic signs play a crucial part. 

A T-bone auto accident happens when one car hits the side of another with its front. People must know how deadly these accidents are and try to avoid them by practicing safe driving rules.

Hopefully, you don't have to experience a car hitting your vehicle on one side and causing severe injuries. Still, if so, you will require an experienced Bronx T-bone accident lawyer besides highly qualified medical care. 

If you or someone you care about is involved in a T-bone car accident, read about the results and what to do.  

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The Dynamics and Physics Behind Side-Impact Crashes 

Collision Dynamics 

 In a side-impact crash, the front of one vehicle strikes the side of another car. This impact creates a force that affects both vehicles' trajectories and occupants' safety. 

A side-impact crash involves the energy of moving vehicles and the forces that slow them down during the collision.

These forces can cause rapid changes in velocity and direction. 

In a T-bone accident in the Bronx, forces are primarily applied perpendicular to the struck vehicle's side. This means the vehicle's occupants experience forces from the side, increasing the risk of injury. 

Vehicle Structure 

Many modern vehicles are equipped with side-impact beams in the doors and frames to help absorb and distribute the impact forces. These beams are designed to help protect occupants by preventing excessive intrusion into the cabin. 

Some vehicles also have designed deformation zones in the front and rear sections to absorb energy during a collision. These zones help reduce the transfer of forces to the occupants. 

That is why old cars usually have more fatalities than new vehicles.  

Occupant Safety 

In a T-bone accident, occupants experience rapid changes in velocity because of the vehicle's sudden stop. Their bodies continue moving in the vehicle's original direction until restrained by seat belts or other objects. 

A vehicle's side provides less protection than the front or rear, making occupants vulnerable to injuries. Common injuries include: 

  • Internal organ injuries 

Some cars have airbags on the side that come out of the seat or door to protect people inside. Side curtain airbags can also help protect the head during a side-impact collision. 

Physics of Injury 

The rapid changes in velocity during a side-impact crash subject occupants to high accelerations and decelerations. These forces can lead to injuries, particularly to the head, chest, and pelvis. 

Side-impact collisions can cause the head to rotate rapidly. This increases the risk of neck and brain injuries, including whiplash and traumatic brain injury. 

Common Causes of T-Bone Collisions 

T-bone accidents commonly occur because drivers ignore traffic signals or signs, such as running a red light. 

Drivers who do not yield to oncoming traffic when turning left or entering an intersection can cause T-bone crashes. These crashes occur when vehicles already in the corner are hit. 

Those situations are considered intersection violations. 

Confusion at intersections without signals or signs can lead to collisions. This confusion arises from drivers believing they have the right to proceed. Accidents may happen because there are no traffic signs. The public entity responsible for the signs might be partially responsible for the accident.  

Also, some drivers fail to yield to emergency vehicles with sirens and lights that can cause T-bone collisions as they attempt to clear the way. 

Reckless driving is another cause of T-bone accidents in the Bronx, NY. Driving fast makes it hard to react quickly and stop or turn in time to avoid crashes, especially at intersections.

Aggressive driving behaviors such as tailgating, weaving through traffic, or sudden lane changes can lead to T-bone collisions if other vehicles cannot anticipate or respond to these actions. 

It is almost impossible to discuss traffic accidents without mentioning distracted driving. Texting, calling, or using phones while driving can cause accidents by making drivers miss signals, signs, and other vehicles.

If the conditions prevent the drivers from seeing what is around them, there is a high chance of an accident. Obstacles such as parked cars, signs, or plants can obstruct drivers' view of oncoming traffic, leading to accidents when drivers enter the intersection. 

Slippery road conditions caused by weather can impair a driver's ability to stop or control their vehicle, increasing the risk of T-bone collisions at intersections. 

DUI and impaired driving are other parts of the blame when accidents occur. Drivers under the influence of alcohol or drugs may have reduced reaction times, impaired judgment, and decreased coordination. 

Another cause of these accidents is mechanical failures. Drivers who do not brake well cannot stop at intersections, leading to T-bone collisions with other vehicles.

T-bone collisions often result from a combination of factors, including driver behavior, traffic conditions, and environmental factors. Interaction with pedestrians and cyclists can also cause these accidents. 

Common Injuries Associated with T-Bone Collisions 

During a T-bone collision in the Bronx, people's necks are forcefully moved in different directions. This movement can be to the left or right or from front to back, depending on where the other vehicle hits them.  

In cases where the vehicle lacks modern safety features like side airbags and a robust structure to withstand side impacts, individuals are at risk of being struck by damaged metal, causing injuries such as lacerations or burns to their skin and limbs. 

Here is a compilation of potential injuries that an individual might sustain after a T-bone collision: 

  • Fatal Outcomes 
  • Amputations 
  • Fractures and Broken Bones 
  • Soft Tissue Damage to the Neck (Whiplash) 
  • Spinal Cord Injuries 
  • Internal Organ Bleeding or Damage 
  • Burns 
  • Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) 

All these injuries are considered catastrophic because of their severe impact on a person's well-being.  

Survivors of the crash may experience long-lasting problems. These problems can include ongoing pain, outstanding debts, and emotional or mental difficulties. These difficulties can significantly change their lives. 

Liability in a Side-Impact Collision 

In side crashes, people think the vehicle that hits is to blame and should pay for the damage.

In most cases, the car that hits another car is responsible, but sometimes other factors can also be involved. Certain situations can involve third parties who could also be deemed liable. 

In some cases, investigations found that the sideways vehicle was partly responsible for the accident. Compelling evidence, such as traffic camera footage or recordings from neighboring vehicles' dash cameras, makes it plausible for the striking vehicle's driver to be absolved of liability. 

This occurs when it is proven that the struck vehicle failed to yield and disregarded traffic signals. In such cases, it is determined that the vehicle that was hit was at fault for the accident.

A skilled lawyer who focuses on T-bone car accidents in the Bronx determines if others are responsible for the accident.  

The evidence often unveils the involvement of these liable entities. Below, we delve into potential third parties that could bear responsibility for your damages: 

Car Manufacturer: 

Occasionally, a malfunctioning part within a vehicle might hinder the driver's maneuverability and allow the vehicle to avoid a side-impact collision. However, this situation necessitates scrutiny by experts who can determine if the manufacturer's liability is justified.  

Establishing the manufacturer's responsibility demands proving that the vehicular malfunction did not arise because of inadequate regular maintenance by the car owner. 

NYSDOT (New York State Department of Transportation): 

The entity entrusted with upholding the state's road system is the NYSDOT, with the responsibilities often shared with local government agencies. A defendant might suggest that poor road maintenance by these entities contributed to the broadside collision.  

This assertion requires meticulous investigation to ascertain liability, supported by witness accounts and photographic evidence of the accident scene and its surroundings. 

In conclusion, while the striking vehicle is commonly perceived as the liable party in broadside collisions, complexities can emerge, pointing to other entities sharing or bearing the responsibility.  

Pure Comparative Negligence in The Bronx 

In New York, fault sharing is a significant aspect of personal injury law, particularly in cases of negligence and liability arising from accidents. New York follows a comparative negligence system, specifically the "pure comparative negligence" doctrine.  

This legal principle determines fault by allocating responsibility and damages fairly when multiple parties are involved in an accident and share varying degrees of fault.

When an accident occurs, the court or insurance adjusters determine each party's fault. This allocation is expressed as a percentage, reflecting the proportion of responsibility each party bears for the incident. 

The damages that the injured party can recover are then adjusted based on their assigned percentage of fault. In other words, a person's compensation is reduced by their degree of responsibility for the accident. 

For example, if a court determines that a person is 20% at fault for an accident and their damages amount to $10,000, their compensation would be reduced by 20%, resulting in a final award of $8,000. 

The system also applies when multiple parties are involved, and each party's degree of fault is considered separately. 

The comparative negligence rule in New York is fair because it acknowledges that accidents can be complicated and involve multiple parties.

It ensures people are responsible for their mistakes and get fair compensation based on how much they are to blame. 

Contact a Bronx T-Bone Accident Lawyer

We have learned that these types of accidents can be caused by multiple reasons that are more common than we thought and what legal complexities are often involved. Hiring a side-impact accident lawyer from The Ward Law Group may alleviate this stress. 

Our firm has highly efficient lawyers in the personal injury area. Together, our lawyers have over 25 years of experience, bringing positive results to everyone who has come to our law firm to get help.  

We help the Hispanic community because we know it's hard for people who don't speak English to understand legal terms.

Contact us for a free consultation of your case at 855-DOLOR-55 or through our online chat; if you have any questions, a lawyer will be right there to answer them.