Mother’s Day

May 12, 2024 | Jany Martinez Ward
Mother’s Day

The connection with our mother responds to a very subtle origin—an origin in the soul and our life's purpose. Our mothers influence our ways of seeing the world from a very young age. They teach us to love life's beauty and share the magic behind unconditional care.

Our mothers commit our lives, guiding us to find ourselves repeatedly. How could we understand the phenomena of the natural world if we do not know where all things come from? Where do we come from?

It is as if a maternal principle houses the origin of the whole world. We can see this in nature, where Mother Earth nurtures her children and provides them with what they need to grow strong and healthy. The maternal nature allows life to occur through a passive force such as gestation.

And if we sometimes feel that we have lost our way, a profound meditation that connects us with our mother can help us regain our spirits. 

That is why techniques such as psychic regression suggest we can experience sensations we felt in the womb. 

In ancient cultures, the nine months of gestation were considered a determining phase for the rest of our lives. Any alteration within that period could forever alter our psychic predisposition. 

Because of this, we must recognize that our deep connection with our mothers and how much we learn daily from them could mark our destiny.

Mother's Day should not be a mere commercial initiative. Although we have nothing against giving each other gifts, which is beautiful, we should consider that this type of day is helpful for us to understand how the connection with our parents can become an element that drives us to know ourselves better and to discover part of our mission in life.

We have much to thank our mothers for at The Ward Law Group. First, for serving as a channel to bring us to life. For materializing the will of the creator and making us part of the miracle of life.

Our mothers have also been our teachers. They have taught us values, respect for others, belief in ourselves, and trust in our dreams.

Without them, we would not have been able to do it. Without them being our eternal admirers. Without them accompanying us in our triumphs and falls. In those moments when no one believed in us, and everything was crazy, the look of our mothers was our accomplice at the moment of dreaming big.

In that case, all the gifts in the world will not be enough to compensate for the love they have given us.

However, there will always be many reasons to remember how much they gave us. To remember that having crossed paths with them was not just a coincidence. It was the universal will to look at each other again and momentarily share the mystery that unites us.

So, before we say goodbye, we want to remember that we once found peace in our mother's gaze and that, in her words, we have learned to overcome life's obstacles. 

Thanks to our mothers for all they have done for us. We extend a fraternal embrace to all the mothers of the planet and celebrate together one more day to remember the importance they fulfill in our society. 

As the poets have said, "My mother sacrificed her dreams so I could dream" – Rupi Kaur.  "Mother is a verb. It's something you do. Not just who you are." – Cheryl Lacey Donovan, "The Ministry of Motherhood"

We from The Ward Law Group wish you a fantastic day, dear mothers!

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Jany Martinez Ward

Jany Martínez-Ward is a Founding and Managing Partner of The Ward Law Group, PL, a Florida law firm representing victims of car accidents. She focuses her practice on providing legal representation to Hispanic clients that have become injured in a car accident as a result of the negligence of others. In 2018, The National Trial Lawyers Association recognized Jany as one of the top attorneys in the state and among the top 40 under 40 attorneys.


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