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Suffolk County Whiplash Lawyer

Whiplash injuries are a common consequence of car accidents. They often occur when a sudden force rapidly jerks the head forward and backward. While whiplash is frequently associated with rear-end collisions, it can result from various accidents, including side-impact collisions and slip-and-fall incidents.

Despite being considered a "soft tissue" injury, whiplash can cause significant pain and discomfort, impacting an individual's daily life and well-being. We understand the challenges faced by those who have suffered whiplash injuries.

Our firm is dedicated to providing compassionate and effective legal representation to victims in Suffolk County and throughout the Hispanic community in New York. We are deeply committed to protecting our client's rights and strive to ensure they receive the compensation and justice they deserve.

Whiplash injuries can manifest in a variety of symptoms, ranging from neck pain and stiffness to headaches, dizziness, and even cognitive difficulties. Despite their invisible nature, these injuries can have a profound impact on an individual's quality of life, often requiring extensive medical treatment and rehabilitation.

As advocates for our clients, we work tirelessly to hold negligent parties accountable for their actions and secure maximum compensation for their damages.

At The Ward Law Group, we recognize the unique challenges the Hispanic community faces in navigating the legal system. With a team of dedicated bilingual attorneys and staff members, we strive to bridge the gap and ensure that all members of our community have access to high-quality legal representation.

Understanding Whiplash Injuries and Their Impact on Your Neck

The intricate structure of your neck plays a crucial role in supporting the weight of your head and facilitating various movements. Comprising the cervical spine, the top seven vertebrae beneath your skull form the foundation of your neck's framework.

Within this structure, the spinal cord traverses through the spinal canal, serving as the vital conduit between your brain and body.

Intervertebral discs are the cushioning mechanism between adjacent vertebrae, enabling flexibility and mobility in your neck.

Ligaments provide stability by holding the vertebrae together, while muscles surrounding the neck, head, and shoulders contribute to its dynamic functionality.

However, despite its resilience, the neck is susceptible to injury, particularly in scenarios where sudden force is exerted, as in the case of whiplash. Whiplash injuries typically occur when the body experiences a rapid forward and backward motion, often seen in car accidents or falls.

In such incidents, the momentum transfer causes the head to whip forward and backward, exerting significant strain on the neck's delicate structures.

Whiplash injuries manifest in various forms, ranging from strains and sprains to more severe conditions like fractured vertebrae or damaged discs. Neck strains may result from stretched or torn muscles and tendons, leading to symptoms such as pain, stiffness, and muscle spasms.

Similarly, sprained necks involve ligament damage, causing pain, inflammation, and instability in the neck.

In more severe cases, the force of the impact can fracture vertebrae or damage intervertebral discs, potentially leading to spinal cord injury or nerve compression. Symptoms of such injuries may include radiating pain, numbness, weakness, or loss of bladder control, necessitating immediate medical attention.

At The Ward Law Group, we understand the complexities of whiplash injuries and their profound impact on victims' lives. Our dedicated team of attorneys is committed to advocating for the rights of individuals who have suffered whiplash injuries, ensuring they receive the necessary medical care, support, and compensation they deserve.

With a deep-rooted commitment to serving the Hispanic community in New York and Florida, we strive to provide compassionate and effective legal representation to all those in need.

Concussion Risk Associated with Whiplash Injuries - How long can a whiplash injury last?

While whiplash itself does not directly cause concussions, the abrupt movements that result in whiplash can also trigger a concussion. The forces involved in whiplash can lead to the brain experiencing a sudden jolt or sloshing motion within the skull, resulting in inflammation and trauma to the brain tissue.

Concussions, often referred to as mild traumatic brain injuries (TBI), occur when the brain sustains impact or undergoes rapid acceleration-deceleration forces, as seen in whiplash incidents. This can lead to various symptoms, including headaches, confusion, nausea, ringing in the ears, blurred vision, fatigue, clumsiness, and slurred speech, lasting during different periods.

The onset of concussion symptoms may vary, with some individuals experiencing immediate effects while others may notice symptoms gradually emerging over time as the brain swells.

Typically, symptoms resolve within a few weeks to months with adequate rest and medical supervision.

At The Ward Law Group, we recognize the potential risks associated with whiplash injuries, including the possibility of concussions. Our team of experienced attorneys is dedicated to ensuring that individuals who have suffered whiplash-related concussions receive the necessary medical attention and support to aid in their recovery.

We are committed to advocating for the rights of victims in Suffolk County, New York, and beyond, providing compassionate legal representation to those in need.

Seeking Compensation for Whiplash Injuries

  • Economic Damages: Victims of whiplash injuries resulting from another party's negligence are entitled to seek compensation for financial losses. Insurance companies play a crucial role here.

This includes expenses such as past and future medical bills, lost income, and reduced earning capacity. In cases where whiplash leads to spinal cord injury or nerve damage, ongoing medical treatment and the impact on employment may contribute to economic damages.

  • Non-economic Damages: Beyond financial losses, victims can also pursue compensation for non-economic damages, encompassing the intangible impacts on one's quality of life.

This may include physical pain, emotional distress, depression, and limitations in daily activities due to the injury's effects in the neck muscles and the emotional aspects of your daily life..

At The Ward Law Group, we understand the multifaceted nature of whiplash injuries and how they can impact individuals' lives. Our legal team advocates for victims' rights and seeks comprehensive compensation for their economic and non-economic losses.

We also encourage our clients to treat whiplash injuries with patience and trust in professionals in the field.

Causes of Whiplash Injuries

Whiplash, commonly resulting from auto accidents, especially rear-end collisions, occurs when the neck is suddenly and forcefully moved beyond its typical range of motion.

This hyper-extension often forms an "S" shape on the spine, exerting immense pressure on the cervical and lumbar spine and leading to injuries in the surrounding muscles, tendons, and ligaments.

Other frequent causes of whiplash injuries encountered by our attorneys at The Ward Law Group include:

Regardless of the circumstances of your injury, a whiplash injury attorney at The Ward Law Group may offer valuable assistance. Contact us today for a free consultation to discuss your accident and explore how our legal team can support you.

Diagnoses and Severities of Whiplash

Whiplash encompasses soft tissue injuries of the neck, diagnosed through medical evaluations. Specific terms such as cervical strain, sprain, or hyperextension are used.

Following your accident, before your treatment plan, a doctor will assess the extent and severity of your neck injury, which may involve:

  • Observation of movements and strength
  • Evaluation of alertness and focus
  • Examination of the skin for bruises or abrasions
  • Palpation and pressure on the neck to assess local sensitivity
  • Inquiry about sensations like tingling or numbness
  • Diagnostic tests such as X-rays, MRI, or CT scans

While whiplash symptoms are recognizable, professional diagnosis ensures accurate understanding and appropriate treatment. Seeking medical attention post-accident is crucial, considering the injury's potential severity, influenced by various factors:

  • Impact cause and force
  • Prior neck or back injuries
  • Body position pre-impact
  • Multiple impacts from different angles

Whiplash severity, often classified on a 0-4 graded scale developed by the Quebec Task Force, dictates the treatment approach and recovery expectations. It can range from no complaint to fracture or dislocation.

In cases of negligence-induced whiplash injuries, robust legal representation is essential to secure rightful compensation. Contact a whiplash injury attorney at The Ward Law Group today for a FREE CASE evaluation.

Whiplash Injury Signs and Symptoms

Symptoms of whiplash can vary in severity based on the force of the injury, individual characteristics, time elapsed since the incident, and other factors. Typically, these symptoms fall into three categories, and individuals may experience some, none, or all of them following a whiplash injury:


  • Neck Pain
  • Shoulder Pain
  • Low Back Pain
  • Arm Pain
  • Hand Pain
  • Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Pain
  • Tiredness
  • Nausea


  • Neck Stiffness
  • Dizziness
  • Numbness in Arm
  • Numbness in Hand
  • Ringing in Ears (tinnitus)
  • Blurred Vision
  • Depression
  • Sensitivity to Noise
  • Sensitivity to Light


  • Concentration Problems
  • Focus Problems
  • Memory Problems
  • Sleeplessness
  • Stress or Anxiety
  • Irritability

Whiplash Insights: Who's Affected and Can It Be Prevented?

Before automobiles became widespread, whiplash injuries were referred to as "railway spine" due to their prevalence in train accidents. Nowadays, car collisions are the primary cause of whiplash, affecting 83% of individuals involved in car wrecks.

Preventing whiplash is a considerable challenge. While adjusting the height and fit of car headrests based on passengers' height and build can help reduce the risk and severity of neck injuries, studies show only minimal success. Improved head restraint systems have shown a modest 5-10% enhancement in mitigating whiplash risks.

Further research and innovation are necessary for various head restraints, including standard, integrated, adjustable, active, and automatically adjusting models.

Whiplash injuries can occur even at low speeds, with medical studies indicating that speeds as low as 5 – 15 mph are sufficient to cause neck damage. Interestingly, females are more than twice as likely as males to suffer from whiplash in motor vehicle incidents, and they are also more prone to long-term chronic injury resulting from such incidents.

While children experience similar symptoms to adults with whiplash injuries, they are at greater risk of harm due to their muscles and ligaments being more flexible than those of adults.

Rear-impact collisions are the primary type of crash responsible for whiplash, as they directly cause the rapid back-and-forth motion of the head and neck. We're here to advocate for your rights and pursue the compensation you deserve.

The Financial Impact of Whiplash: Understanding the Costs

More than a decade ago, the total economic burden of whiplash was estimated at $3.9 billion annually. Litigation further increased this figure to over $29 billion, encompassing medical care, disability, and sick leave.

 In today's currency, these amounts equate to $4,825,728,506 and $35,883,622,228, respectively.

Beyond the financial toll, whiplash can profoundly affect your daily life. Pain stemming from whiplash can lead to missed workdays and lost wages, compounding physical discomfort with financial strain.

Additionally, compensatory injuries may arise as individuals strain other parts of their musculoskeletal system to alleviate neck pain.

At The Ward Law Group, we recognize the challenges of returning to normalcy after a severe accident. Our mission is to advocate for fair compensation for our clients tirelessly.

Explore our history of successful settlements related to whiplash and associated complications and injuries.

Whiplash injuries often intertwine with other severe traumas, including traumatic head injuries, closed head injuries, permanent brain damage, spinal cord injuries, and even quadriplegia.

Contact a Suffolk County Whiplash Injury Lawyer

Even seemingly minor whiplash injuries can have significant repercussions, impacting your daily life and well-being. However, these injuries can be challenging to prove, mainly when symptoms manifest later.

That's why it's essential to enlist the support of a Suffolk County whiplash injury lawyer from The Ward Law Group. Our team is well-versed in New York's legal landscape and possesses the expertise to handle your case with precision and care.

We are committed to helping you secure the compensation you deserve for your damages, providing peace of mind during this challenging time.

Contact The Ward Law Group if you have been involved in a similar case as the one described in this post. Remember that we offer legal advice entirely in English and Spanish.