
Avoiding Halloween Scares: Safety Tips from Ms. Jany Martinez Ward in an article for the Voz de America portal. 

October 29, 2019 | Jany Martinez Ward
Avoiding Halloween Scares: Safety Tips from Ms. Jany Martinez Ward in an article for the Voz de America portal. 

With Halloween approaching, a highly anticipated celebration for children and adults, it is essential to remember that safety should be at the forefront of the festivities.  

According to the National Safety Council, Halloween sees an increase in risk for children, who are more than twice as likely to be struck by a car compared to any other day of the year. In light of this reality, Ms. Jany Martinez-Ward, lawyer and founder of The Ward Law Group, shares her expertise to help parents plan and ensure the safety of their children during this celebration. 

The lack of lighting and visibility at night contributes to an increase in Halloween-related accidents, as explained by Ms. Martinez-Ward, who emphasizes the importance of caution and planning on the part of parents. Below are five key recommendations to ensure a safe and enjoyable celebration: 

  1. Flashlight in Hand: While many children go trick-or-treating during daylight hours, it is common for the activity to extend into the night. In anticipation of this, carrying a flashlight in the candy bag can significantly improve visibility during the door-to-door journey after sunset. 
  1. Reflective and Luminous Elements: Incorporating reflective tape or glow sticks into the costume or candy bag adds a fun touch and can save lives by increasing driver visibility. These items are readily available in stores and are a simple yet effective precaution. 
  1. Avoiding Masks: Although masks are integral to many costumes, they can hinder children's vision and reduce their ability to perceive traffic. It is suggested that alternatives such as face paint be considered to ensure clear and unobstructed vision. 
  1. Accompaniment and Well-Lit Areas: As soon as night falls, staying in well-lit areas and being accompanied is recommended. Places with public lighting, such as the city center, offer greater visibility and reduce the risk of accidents by allowing drivers to see people crossing the street. 
  1. Cautious Driving: Prudent driving is essential on Halloween, especially in residential areas and places where children are expected. Drivers should maintain a reduced speed and be attentive to little ones crossing the streets. 

Ms. Jany Martinez Ward emphasizes that these recommendations apply to Halloween and that safe driving is always fundamental. Furthermore, on occasions like Halloween, when pedestrians on the street are more frequent, the importance of discouraging inexperienced drivers and those participating in alcohol-fueled celebrations from getting behind the wheel is emphasized. 

Celebrating a special event or being surrounded by good friends and enjoying a group moment should not imply any risk if recommendations are taken to make the community in which we live a more harmonious place and where the guarantee of returning home is a matter of every day. The Ward Law Group will always maintain its position of defending prevention as the main tool to reduce automobile accidents. 

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Jany Martinez Ward

Jany Martínez-Ward is a Founding and Managing Partner of The Ward Law Group, PL, a Florida law firm representing victims of car accidents. She focuses her practice on providing legal representation to Hispanic clients that have become injured in a car accident as a result of the negligence of others. In 2018, The National Trial Lawyers Association recognized Jany as one of the top attorneys in the state and among the top 40 under 40 attorneys.


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